How To Restart Google Chrome Quickly With Bookmark

Google Chrome is the browser which we can find on almost every PC. Because it is light and fast and many good Add-on are also provided in the Chrome Web Store with the quick and easy installation. And that makes it most preferable by everyone.

But have you ever felt, when you open multiple tabs in Google Chrome it slows down and PC goes laggy? Most of us observed this behavior, isn’t it?

This happens because Chrome consumes more memory (RAM) to give its best performance, and when we open multiple tabs it just multiplies the memory consumption and its results PC to slow down.

Restart of Google Chrome could be a solution. This behavior might not be observed on a high-end PC, as a high-end PC has enough RAM(Memory) available to provide chrome.

How To Restart Google Chrome Automatically With Bookmark

Generally, when the chrome goes a little laggy, we delete the history, caches and perform a Google Chrome restart. And this might happen plenty of times throughout the day if you spend more time on PC like me.

Now when it comes to restarting it, again and again, most of the time we hate to do it as we need to close the window, reopen it and restore the tabs one by one back again.

And due to this, our work goes slow and we won’t be able to complete our tasks on time.

Not to worry at all. We have a very effective solution here, simple thing can save our lot of time. All we have to do is, create a bookmark.

Restore All Tabs Automatically by Restart Google Chrome

  • Click on the Star Icon in the address bar for creating a bookmark,
restart Browser
  • In the URL section, you have to type chrome://restart and
  • click on Save. That’s it…!!

Now every time when you want to restart your browser to avoid the lag, all you have to do it, hit that bookmark and we are done. It will restart the browser instantly.

And the reason why I found this is the coolest solution is, it does restore all the tabs in the same way as it was there before closing.

Yes, you got it right… all the opened tabs will be restored automatically.

We could save a lot of time as don’t have to restore the opened tabs individually.

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