13 Best Tech Blogs on the Internet: What Makes them the Best?

Technology is getting very advanced. Every day comes out with something new, a lot of creativity and innovations going on around the globe and you would be able to know it if you are following the best tech websites.

A lot of searches took place with tech-related queries. Blogs are a really big help for people worldwide to find out the solutions for their tech-related issues.

Technology can be divided into several categories. Though there are several blogs out there in various categories, the below list contains some best tech blogs.

Here we will see a few popular and extremely informative best tech websites which I prefer to go through often. And I am sure you would love those too, once you go through those as these keep you updated.

Best Tech Blogs on the Internet

I love to read these blogs most of the time, as these keep me updated in the Technology world. Most of the blogs contain lots of how-to guides and the latest technology news.

I love to read these blogs most of the time, as these keep me updated in the Technology world. Most of the blogs contain lots of how-to guides and the latest technology news.

1. Tech Crunch

It is the second Largest blog after Huffington Post. This is an awesome destination where one can find all the tech-related information. News, Video Reviews on the latest news gadgets. all related to tech articles are found here.

This is one of the best tech websites and a total time killer for tech savvies. No words for this, as it is already quite well popular amongst techies.

This is one of the best tech websites and a total time killer for tech savvies. No words for this, as it is already quite well popular amongst techies.

2. HowToGeek

There are several Tech-related well-described articles you would be able to find on this blog, which could be very helpful for anyone. And articles are being updated every day in a huge number.

It is a platform where all How-to guides can be seen and one can learn from those. All the topics are well explained with the screenshots and it is an incredible learning destination.

3. Mashable

Mashable is a den of information, fully loaded. Anyone can spend hours on this website.

It discusses news, entertainment, Technology-related articles, how-to guides, Gadget Reviews, Lifestyle, Business, Social Media, shopping, and almost everything. What else do we need from a website?

4. MakeUseOf

MakeUseOf makes the searches quite easy, as most of the things can be found in one place. And when I say most of it, it includes everything related to PC or Mobile, reviews, and How-To Guides on Windows. Shop, Gaming, Social Media, Entertainment and whatnot.

It could be one of the best hubs for tech lovers.

5. LifeWire

Life Wire is one of my favorites, we could find articles here on various topics related to technology. Moreover, you can get a buying section as well as the above websites.

Where all the products have been reviewed in detail. And one can consider reading those before making a purchase. Android, TV, and Gaming Tech news are being discussed on this website.

6. TheVerge

It has immense popularity amongst tech blogs. There are several categories of articles written here. You can find plenty of Gadget reviews, news, web, games, science, and more.

All the latest news too posted over here, so if someone wants to be updated on what’s going around, sign up for the newsletters.

7. TechRadar

Tech Radar is one of the popular ones, amongst the techies. Just like the above websites they too write about the latest tech news, How To Guides, Phone, PC, and all the Gadget Reviews.

The style of reviewing them made them one of the popular blogs. If you are looking to buy something and want to get proper feedback or get it reviewed to make up your mind, whether to purchase it or not, then you must visit the website.

8. EnGadget

Just like the above websites, all the tech news could be first found over here. Entertainment, Culture, Science, and Games categories can be found here. Moreover, the domain name itself resembles that you could find something related to gadgets as well. If you thought so, then you are right.

Detailed gadget reviews with ratings help you to pick the right product you would like to purchase. So if you are planning any gadget this is the place to check the unbiased reviews.

9. ZDNet

ZDNet was founded in 1991, more than two decades past from now. This website will keep you informed about all the new technologies going on globally.

Having so many articles, still, the website is still light and quick while browsing.

10. TheNextWeb

One of the leading blogs coming to the Technology Niche. All the latest and trendy news are published without stopping.

You could also find some quality How-To Guides and Gadget Reviews. Informative area if you want to be updated and learn about Technology.

11. Wired

It is another name that receives immense web traffic daily. It has a unique and simple design but very informative. Several topics are being discussed in Wired.com.

Like Business, Culture, Science, Security, and more. Some unbiased reviews with a rating as well. It’s a great place to hang out and learn more as possible.

The above list of blogs is our personal favorite in order, which we visit regularly to be updated. Do let us know, your favorite ones.. and which you prefer to visit along with these in the comments section below.

Do let us know, your favorite ones.. and which you prefer to visit along with these in the comments section below.

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